Even though crafting, gardening, cooking, baking, and the other right side brained arts have and always will be close to me, I have my heart set on a particular one-music.
Because of this I am now seeking a career in writing film music and performing. I am excited to say that I've been accepted to my dream school for my Composition degree, and I can't get much happier than this.
I don't have the time to attend to my other hobbies and blogs as I once did, but I have not ceased doing the crafts.
If I were to pick up blogging again, I would choose to just keep up one blog, and I would aim to be more organized and regular on my posts. I would also put all of my right brain interests-music, art, crafts, cooking, baking, sewing, and writing, onto the same one. I would also probably choose a wordpress formatted blog to do it on, since it is what my other blog-my crafting blog-is on. But time will tell what my preferences are in the future.
So, in the future, possibly near, but I'm not certain, I may have a blog again. It would be described as the past paragraph stated. I thank you all for your visits-and I hope you look me up in the future! Thanks, and have a great day!